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Person on hike with dog to Maintain Mental Wellness in the Fall

6 Tips for Maintaining Mental Wellness in the Fall

Fall is right around the corner and with the new season comes a variety of changes to our everyday routines. But we’re not just talking about swapping flips flops for boots and iced coffee for pumpkin spice lattes…

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Signs of depression in teens

5 Signs of Depression in Teens

Depression is a serious mental illness that can affect anyone, at any time. Teens between the ages of 15-19 experience some of the highest rates of depression, which can…

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The ocean for mental health therapy

Using the Ocean for Mental Health Therapy

With Memorial Day right around the corner, you may have plans to head to the beach for the weekend. And rightfully so, as the ocean is a place we all love to be. Whether it’s for the views, sunrises and sunsets, or a beach day with friends, the sea…

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a woman sitting in front of a laptop computer

What is Sluggish Cognitive Tempo?

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) refers to a disorder that is characterized by a person’s inability to focus on tasks and stay attentive for long periods of time. The symptoms are similar to those found in ADHD, but one of the…

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a man carrying a woman on his back

Intimate Relationship Conflicts – Why Conflict Can Strengthen Your Relationship

Conflicts are completely normal in any relationship but resolving disputes to the benefit of both parties and the relationship should be the goal – resolving conflict in a positive way actually brings couples closer…

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a woman running on a brick road in front of a city skyline

The 5 Benefits to Physical Activity During COVID-19 and Beyond

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, restaurants closed their doors, busy shopping centers were suddenly barren, and events with major gatherings were canceled. It seemed as if the entire world was at a standstill…

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a person standing in the water with their arms up

Expectations of Children

How do parental expectations affect children? There are plenty of people who could testify to the harmful effects of failing to meet their parent’s expectations, and probably many more who aren’t even aware of the harmful effects that it has had on them. So one might wonder if parental expectations are ever a good thing. 

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an older woman is holding her hands on her back

Substance Use Disorder

What is addiction? That which is colloquially referred to as “addiction” is clinically known as a substance use disorder. Whether you are worried about someone dear to you, or you just want to better understand (and categorize) your own substance use habits – we have answers for you.    The following are some questions to

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an older man is sitting on a bench and waving

Staying Social During Quarantine

In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs socializing comes directly after our needs for sustenance and safety. The need to feel connected to other humans is stronger than most might realize and in quarantine we have to get creative in order to fill that need. If you need some ideas for social interaction in times of physical

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two people are walking down an escalator

Time Bullies

Organizing your time effectively at work can be difficult at the best of times, when others impose with requests and time constraints that interfere with your work – you need to learn to say no. Whether it’s because of poor planning on a co-worker’s part or an understanding that their objectives are more important than

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a man sitting at a table reading a book

Coping with Cabin Fever

What does “cabin fever” feel like? 🏠In self-quarantine it’s highly likely that you’ve been noticing what seems like a different version of yourself – maybe one that’s more irritable, restless, discontented and an all-around trapped feeling. That’s “Cabin Fever,” refers to the sense of feeling trapped when you’re stuck in the house for too long. 

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a woman and child are sitting on a couch

Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine

Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care Dress for the social life you want, not the social life you have. Get showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth.  Take

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