6 Tips for Maintaining Mental Wellness in the Fall

Person on hike with dog to Maintain Mental Wellness in the Fall

Fall is right around the corner and with the new season comes a variety of changes to our everyday routines. But we’re not just talking about swapping flips flops for boots and iced coffee for pumpkin spice lattes. There are also many changes that can take a toll on mental wellness, including increased feelings of loneliness due to less socialization or simply shorter days and colder weather. Beyond that, all the upcoming holiday hype can trigger anxiety and stress too.  

Thankfully, there are ways to combat these feelings and we’ve put together a list of our top six tips for maintaining your mental wellness in the fall! 

1.) Don’t let cooler temperatures stop you from getting outside 

Even if it’s a quick walk around the block, spending time outside to get some fresh air can do wonders for your mental wellness. Some of our favorite ways to enjoy the outdoors during the fall include picnics with hot apple cider, hiking on new trails, and going apple picking. The colors will be at their peak this time of year so it should be easy to find something beautiful wherever you go! 

2.) Get in those zzz’s! 

Because it helps regulate hormones in the brain that affect our emotions, energy levels, cognitive abilities, appetite, and more, sleep plays a role in mental wellness. Sleep deprivation can also cause you to have trouble thinking clearly or remembering things, which makes it hard for your work performance at school or on the job. When this happens, it can cause a lack of confidence and lower self-esteem, which can take a toll on our mental health. Therefore, creating a sleep schedule and sticking to it is so crucial for staying on top of our day-to-day.  

3.) Move your body! 

Exercise is a key part of our physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Getting in 30 minutes of light, moderate, or vigorous activity can help improve your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, alleviate symptoms of depression, and strengthen the immune system. When you exercise your heart pumps blood throughout the body, which releases endorphins that make us feel good or “high.” Exercise also provides a sense of accomplishment for many people when they set personal goals like finishing a 5K or completing their first marathon. Yoga is another terrific way to get in a more relaxed workout, reset your inner well-being, and keep up your mental wellness in the fall.  

4.) Maintain a well-balanced, nutritious diet 

We all know that food can have a significant impact on our physical health. But did you know what we eat can also influence our mental health? For example, eating too much sugar causes mood swings, while fatty foods can slow down blood flow in your body. In contrast, eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and omega-3s may offer a mood boost and help you feel more grounded and less stressed. It can also give you the fuel you need to function at your best, making for more energized, productive days!  

5.) Set boundaries for yourself and stick to them 

It is important to set boundaries for your time so that you can focus on giving your energy to what is most important and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, it can be extremely difficult to say no to friends, social functions, or big plans that require a lot of your time. But the key is to remember times in the past when overstretching yourself caused you stress, anxiety, or frustration afterward. By creating a schedule that is healthy and maintainable, you’ll show others that you respect your time, which will teach them how to also respect your time. 

6.) Set “no phone zone” times for yourself  

Do you often feel like your phone is constantly occupying your time whether that means scrolling social media platforms or checking work emails for hours at a time? It’s common for this to happen to many individuals, especially young adults who have shown an increase in mental health issues due to digital media over the last decade.  

While a little technology is okay and occasionally necessary, the goal should be to moderate the amount of time you spend in front of the screen. Family dinners, road trips with friends, and date nights are just a few examples of when our phone should stay out of sight, out of mind. By doing so, you will not only be more engaged in the present, but you will also be less preoccupied by things that don’t require your attention at that moment.  

Fall is a time of change. But it is also a reminder that our mental health needs to be taken care of. The tips provided above can help you maintain mental wellness at this turning point in the year and we encourage you to share them with anyone who may need guidance when it comes to maintaining positive mental wellness in the fall season! 

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