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two people are walking down an escalator

Time Bullies

Organizing your time effectively at work can be difficult at the best of times, when others impose with requests and time constraints that interfere with your work – you need to learn to say no. Whether it’s because of poor planning on a co-worker’s part or an understanding that their objectives are more important than

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a man sitting at a table reading a book

Coping with Cabin Fever

What does “cabin fever” feel like? 🏠In self-quarantine it’s highly likely that you’ve been noticing what seems like a different version of yourself – maybe one that’s more irritable, restless, discontented and an all-around trapped feeling. That’s “Cabin Fever,” refers to the sense of feeling trapped when you’re stuck in the house for too long. 

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a woman and child are sitting on a couch

Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine

Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care Dress for the social life you want, not the social life you have. Get showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth.  Take

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a woman standing in a field of yellow flowers


What comes to mind when you think of self-care? Is it sitting at home in your pjs slathering on Korean skin-care products? Or maybe it’s gaming for hours on end as a form of escapism? Although both of these examples can be a form of self-care, they are more akin to something referred to as

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a woman laying on top of a couch under a blanket

Sleep Better Tonight

Sleep better tonight! 😴Whether you struggle regularly with insomnia or just want to enjoy deeper and more restful sleep, these tips can help:    Get Sunlight First Thing in The Morning – waking up to gradual light, like a sunrise, stimulates the production of cortisol in the brain, which increases our energy. Experiencing sunlight in

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a person sitting on the ground in front of the sun

Stress Management

Is stress starting to feel like your new norm? Chronic stress can disrupt sleep patterns and mess with immune, digestive, reproductive, and cardiovascular health. While the goal shouldn’t be to completely eradicate your stress, try these stress management tools to lessen the load stress is taking on your body (and your mind):    ▪️ Exercise

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a woman holding a cup of tea in her hands

Tea as a Health Habit

The health benefits of tea are attributed to polyphenols – organic chemicals also found in foods such as red wine, dark chocolate and berries.

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a woman sitting on a yoga mat in front of a potted plant

How can yoga help improve your well-being? 🧘

Yoga is an ancient practice that is meant to provide a union between mind and body. It incorporates breathing exercises, meditation, and poses designed to aid in relaxation and stress reduction. Many benefits, both mental and physical are said to occur with regular practice of yoga – though all aren’t evidence-based.    Some evidence-based benefits

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a woman wearing a black hat looking out the window

What Can You Do To Help Your Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects so many more people than you might think this time of year. You may experience fatigue, depression, hopelessness, and social withdrawal. Your mood might be altered, feelings of anxiety, apathy, discontent, loneliness are common. as well as loss of interest, mood swings, and sadness. You may have difficulty sleeping or

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two women are smiling for the camera

Weight Loss From A Mental Health Perspective: A Success Story

North Jersey Health & Wellness specializes in behavior modification weight loss programs. Often times, people have tried countless diets and weight loss programs to no avail, which can be frustrating. Working with a mental health specialist and a dietician might be the right answer for you. Here is a testimonial from one of our patients

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a person sitting at a desk working on a computer

The Mental Health Benefits Of Decluttering

When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, nothing makes you feel worse than coming home to a mess. You already have a mess going on inside of your head, and now that mess is external too. It makes you feel like you are out of control of everything, and your feelings are exacerbated. Take back some

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a woman with sunglasses and headphones is looking at her cell phone

Reduce Anxiety Right Now

Anxiety can be overwhelming. When you are feeling anxious, you can feel paralyzed or even do things subconsciously that make you feel worse. So how can you reduce your anxiety right now, at this moment? 1️⃣ This may seem obvious but take a DEEP breath. According to Psych Central, deep diaphragmatic breathing is a powerful

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