Weight Loss From A Mental Health Perspective: A Success Story

two women are smiling for the camera

North Jersey Health & Wellness specializes in behavior modification weight loss programs. Often times, people have tried countless diets and weight loss programs to no avail, which can be frustrating. Working with a mental health specialist and a dietician might be the right answer for you.

Here is a testimonial from one of our patients who experienced successful results from our program:

In July 2018 I joined a gym near my home and tried yet another diet.  I was desperate to lose weight, dealing with one medical issue after another and needed to feel in control and healthy again. 

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August 2018

Initially, I was dieting and exercising with some encouragement and help but my results were minimal at best. Frustrated but determined, I hired a trainer and added yoga classes. It was hard, my muscles would spasm, my body hurt and my weight stayed the same – hovering around 200lbs. on my 5’ 1” frame. I was 52 and obese with no end in sight. 

In my adult life, I have tried more diets than I can count, worked with nutritionists and followed the suggestions of my doctors. I honestly felt that I had tried everything possible and this was just the way it was going to be for me. Through a random conversation at work, I heard about Dr. Berberian and North Jersey Health and Wellness. I asked some questions and did my online research. I liked the concept of taking weight loss from a mental health perspective so I made an appointment. 

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April 2019, Right before starting at NJHW

The first appointment was tough for me. I was embarrassed by my weight and had no idea what to expect but this was a direction that I had not taken before and I was determined to at least hear what Dr. Berberian had to say. Our meeting went well – more of a consult than a plan. I left with orders for bloodwork and another appointment scheduled. From there, my journey to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle took off!

Dr. Berberian used my bloodwork results to create a plan for me that included a combination of targeted vitamins, medication and the support of a dietician, Heather. Miraculously, I started losing weight at a steady pace. Heather helped me to honestly look at my diet and make adjustments that were specific to my needs while keeping in mind my food preferences and lifestyle. She has taught me how to plan ahead for tough days, weeks and vacations and is always available by phone/email to answer any questions or make suggestions. 

In the beginning, I was unable to wrap my mind around the idea that I could reach a healthy weight. Dr. Berberian kept asking me for a weight loss goal and I just couldn’t answer his question. It was so frustrating! He finally asked me to tell him the lowest weight that I could remember being in my adult life. I came up with 160lbs. and he pointed out that I was just 8lbs. away. My goal weight had to be lower…  That was a sobering conversation and I walked away really thinking about what could be possible. 

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At my next appointment, I came prepared with a goal of 135lbs. by December 31, 2019. I had five months. I had done my math and I was doing this! I recognize that this is a journey and lifestyle change but I needed a goal for myself – an endgame of sorts. It seemed incredibly lofty but at this point – why not!?! I had nothing to lose but more weight! I finally had a plan and the emotional support I needed to be successful. 

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November 2, 2019

Today is November 7, 2019 and I weigh 143lbs. I am 8lbs. from my goal weight. Dr. Berberian, Heather and I have made some adjustments along the way but my weight loss has remained steady and the results are stunning! The changes in my overall health have led to no more leg cramps, no more asthma medication and a significant decrease in my blood pressure and thyroid medications. My personal victory – no more CPAP machine! My other doctors and specialists are incredibly pleased and so am I!

The changes in my physical appearance have been beyond expectations! Even six months ago, I could never have imagined that I would go from a size 16/XL to a size 6/M/S and my shoe size is now a 7 instead of an 8. I look in the mirror and I am often stunned! Sometimes, I don’t recognize myself and the reactions from friends and family have been so positive! I am building a new wardrobe and having fun buying clothes for the first time in a very long time! 

The support that I have received at North Jersey Health and Wellness has been exceptional! Never once have I felt like I was doing this alone – I have a team! Dr. Berberian and Heather have helped me to look at my diet, my life and myself through a new lens. They worked with me to create a plan that is specific to my needs and put me on a pathway that has led to wellness success. Words cannot express my gratitude… I feel strong emotionally and physically and for the first time in a very long time, I feel in control and healthy!









Reach out to the mental health experts and nutritionists at North Jersey Health & Wellness today to see how they can help you. Click here to learn more about our programs.

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