Sleep Better Tonight

a woman laying on top of a couch under a blanket

Sleep better tonight! 😴Whether you struggle regularly with insomnia or just want to enjoy deeper and more restful sleep, these tips can help: 


  1. Get Sunlight First Thing in The Morning – waking up to gradual light, like a sunrise, stimulates the production of cortisol in the brain, which increases our energy. Experiencing sunlight in the morning helps keep our circadian rhythm in check. 


  1. Avoid Blue Light at Night – blue light is emitted by computer screens, televisions, smartphones, and even some lightbulbs. Our body interprets blue light as sunlight and suppresses the production of melatonin.


  1. Tap into the Benefits of Magnesium – magnesium relaxes achy muscles, mitigates the effects of stress, and calms the mind by supporting production of neurotransmitters. Magnesium can be ingested in supplement form or added to baths in crystal form. 


  1. Invest in a Good Mattress – we spend a good portion of our lives asleep, it makes sense to invest in a mattress that is comfortable and provides the right support for you. Tossing and turning throughout the night is never good for maintaining deep sleep. 


  1. Aromatherapy in Your Bedroom – find a relaxing blend or choose one essential oil that you know works for you. In addition to promoting sleep through aromatherapy, consistently using the same scent to cue sleep will train your body to relax when you encounter that scent. 


  1. Set a Caffeine Curfew – everyone metabolizes caffeine at a different rate, so it may take some time to learn your own limits, once you do, decide what time of day you need to stop consuming caffeine in order to optimize your sleep. 


  1. Avoid Light Pollution – even if you wear an eye-mask to bed, your body still senses light through your skin, consider black out curtains for more restful nights. 


  1. Monitor the Ambient Temperature of Your Room – the ideal temperature for deep and restful sleep is between 62-72°F. 


  1. Exercise Regularly – though it has not been shown to aid with sleep until a regular routine has been established for at least four months, regular exercise has been shown to lengthen the amount of time we sleep and the quality of sleep. 


  1. Take a Warm Bath Before Bed – immersing yourself in hot water causes blood to flow to the extremities and away from your vital organs, lowering your core body temperature and encouraging sleepiness.
  2. Brew Sleepy Tea – make your own blend of herbs or buy a sleepy blend, some herbs to look for include chamomile, kava kava, and lavender.


  1. Avoid Eating Within 3 Hours of Bedtime – eating close to bedtime forces your body to send blood and heat to your core, which signals you to stay awake.


  1. Meditate – a regular meditative practice has plethora of health benefits, the brain responds to calming practices such as meditation by releasing melatonin. 


  1. Drink Cherry Juice – a favorite purported sleep aid for children, this has been shown to increase the amount of deep sleep for adults suffering from insomnia when consumed twice daily. 
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