Helping Children Learn And Move On From Failure

dealing with children's' failures

Just like adults, children sometimes fail. All too often, parents tend to figure that failure is a natural part of life and that it teaches an important lesson. And while that may be somewhat true, tough love is not always the best option, and thankfully, now, we have a better understanding of what truly helps children learn from failure.

parenting tips

When a child fails, think of two goals.

Image result for goalsThe first is comfort.

This may seem obvious, but when a child fails, it is extremely important for parents to convey how much they care and can be relied on.

comforting children during times of failure

The second is developing persistence. 

Persistence is what drives actions such as finishing a task, pushing through frustration, putting in time and effort, or finding creative approaches to a challenging problem. The ability to keep trying early in life is linked to all sorts of favorable outcomes years later, according to research—including a greater likelihood to succeed in schools, careers and personal relationships.

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To read the full article via Time, click here. 

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